Twitter bots “Trumping” during this election

How the Bot-y Politic Influenced This Election:

Nearly 20 percent of all election-related tweets come from an army of influential robots.
Read the full article here.


Trump’s Twitter Bots Turned Out on Election Day:

Throughout the campaign, automated propaganda accounts on Twitter leaned Republican, but that disparity increased in the race’s final days.Read the rest


SONIC is currently hosting the ATLAS team within its lab space. ATLAS (Advancing Teams, Leaders, and Systems) is the group formerly known as DELTA (Developing Effective Leaders, Teams, and Alliances) – expats from Georgia Tech, headed by their director Leslie DeChurch, who transferred to the Northwestern University this fall.… Read the rest

Of Growth and Globalisation

Latin America wants to rejoin the world. Will the world reciprocate?

Some countries in Latin America, especially those on the Pacific seaboard, like Mexico, Chile and Peru, never turned their backs on globalization. Others did. Boosted by record prices for their commodity exports, they turned inward and subjected their economies to state controls, repeating on a smaller scale the model that failed the region in the 1970s.… Read the rest

SONIC PhD student Marlon Twyman will present at the OCMC 2016

The 2016 Organizational Communication Mini-Conference (OCMC) is hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.

SONIC graduate student Marlon Twyman will give a presentation about his current research.

The purpose of the OCMC is to feature and support graduate students pursuing research about organizational communication.… Read the rest

SONIC and NU-Delta members presented at the INGRoup conference on July 14-16 in Helsinki, Finland

SONIC and NU-Delta members presented at the INGRoup conference on July 14-16 in Helsinki, Finland.

Abstracts for posters and presentations are listed below the schedule.


INGROUP2016 presentationsLG


Gender Composition Affects Females Experience of Working in Science Teams

Ashley Niler, Raquel Asencio, Leslie DeChurch, Brian Uzzi, Noshir Contractor

Success in scientific fields hinges on effective collaboration.… Read the rest