SONIC attends and presents at SIOP 2018

SONIC members present various projects throughout SIOP 2018:

April 19th, Thursday
5:00 – 6:00 pm, Room Chicago 7 – Panel Symposium

Life in the Network: From People Analytics to Relational Analytics

Prasad Balkundi, Ron Burt, Noshir Contractor, Paul Leonardi, Tracey Rizzuto, Jacqueline Ng

April 20, Friday
5:00 – 5:50 pm, Room Chicago 10, Session M – Symposium

Symposium: Qualitative Perspectives on 21st Century Teams

“A Qualitative Examination of Informal Leadership Emergence in Space Teams”

Lindsay Larson & Leslie DeChurch

7:45 – 10:00 pm, Grand Ballroom

SIOP Shaken & Stirred: “What’s the Big Idea?” A Special Evening Event for the I/O Psychology Community

Leslie DeChurch

April 21, Saturday
10:00 -10:50 am, Riverwalk A – Poster Session

The Language of Leaders: Semantic Indicators of Informal Leader Emergence”

Zachary M.

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Noshir Contractor presents at the Institute for Policy Research Colloquium

Noshir Contractor presented on “Leveraging Computational Social Science to Address Grand Societal Challenges” on April 16, 2018.

The increased access to big data about social phenomena in general, and network data in particular, has been a windfall for social scientists. But these exciting opportunities must be accompanied with careful reflection on how big data can motivate new theories and methods.… Read the rest

Diego Gómez-Zará and Silvia Andreoli shared MDT’s results at Radio UBA

The Ph.D. student, Diego Gómez-Zará, and the CITEP’s Director of Projects, Silvia Andreoli, presented the findings and results of the My Dream Team case study elaborated at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Both scholars were interviewed in the program “Académicamente” transmitted by the radio of the university.… Read the rest

SONIC Lab presented the results of My Dream Team case study at CITEP, Argentina.

On April 9th, Professor Noshir Contractor and his Ph.D. student Diego Gómez-Zará presented the results of the team assembly case study conducted at the Center for Technological and Pedagogical Innovation (CITEP – Centro de Innovación en Tecnología y Pedagogía). The talk was given at the University of Buenos Aires in Buenos Aires, Argentina.… Read the rest

Diego Gómez-Zará presents at INGroup 2018

Diego Gómez-Zará is going to attend the 13th Annual INGRoup Conference on July 18-22, in Washington, DC. He will present one of the My Dream Team project’s publications called “Social Cognition and Team Assembly: Competence, Warmth, or Embeddedness,” co-authored with Jacqueline Ng, Marlon Twyman, Silvia Andreoli, Leslie DeChurch, and Noshir Contractor.… Read the rest

Sid Jha and Matt Nicholson present at Northwestern Computational Research Day

Sid Jha will give a lightning talk “A Computational Platform to Evaluate the Ability to Perceive Social Connections” at the 2018 Computational Research Day on April 10, 2018. Moreover, Sid and Matt (both Undergraduate Research Assistants at SONIC) will present their posters then, respectively:

  • Creating a Framework for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Various Search Strategies in the Small-World Phenomenon (by Matt)
  • Network Acuity: Social Perceptions in a Small-World Experiment (by Sid)

Both abstracts and posters are available: the rest

Jacqueline Ng and Diego Gómez-Zará presented at the ATLAS’s Teams Research Incubator Weekend

Jacqueline Ng, Ph.D. candidate, and Diego Gómez-Zará, Ph.D. student, presented their current research at the ATLAS’s Teams Research Incubator for doctoral students and junior faculty, in Evanston, IL

On March 17th, Jacqueline presented “Information sharing in online teams: How information processing interventions affect team discussions” in a session titled “Multilevel Perspectives on Teams.”

Then, on March 18th, Diego presented his work on team recommender systems: “Social Cognition and Team Assembly:
Competence, Warmth, or Embeddedness.” The session was titled “Perceptions & Teams.Read the rest