SONIC attends and presents at SIOP 2018

SONIC members present various projects throughout SIOP 2018:

April 19th, Thursday
5:00 – 6:00 pm, Room Chicago 7 – Panel Symposium

Life in the Network: From People Analytics to Relational Analytics

Prasad Balkundi, Ron Burt, Noshir Contractor, Paul Leonardi, Tracey Rizzuto, Jacqueline Ng

April 20, Friday
5:00 – 5:50 pm, Room Chicago 10, Session M – Symposium

Symposium: Qualitative Perspectives on 21st Century Teams

“A Qualitative Examination of Informal Leadership Emergence in Space Teams”

Lindsay Larson & Leslie DeChurch

7:45 – 10:00 pm, Grand Ballroom

SIOP Shaken & Stirred: “What’s the Big Idea?” A Special Evening Event for the I/O Psychology Community

Leslie DeChurch

April 21, Saturday
10:00 -10:50 am, Riverwalk A – Poster Session

The Language of Leaders: Semantic Indicators of Informal Leader Emergence”

Zachary M. Gibson, Dorothy R. Carter, Leslie A. DeChurch

12:30 PM – 1:20 PM in Room Huron, Session Q – IGNITE

“A Question of Time: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Understanding Team Dynamics”

Noshir S. Contractor, Leslie DeChurch, Suzanne T. Bell, Jeff Olenick, Christopher Dishop, Wendy Bedwell, Shawn Burke, Brennan Antone, & Ashley Niler

1:30 PM to 2:20 PM, Room Riverwalk A – Poster Session

“Information Sharing in Online Teams: How Interventions Improve Information Processing”

Jacqueline Ng, Leslie DeChurch, and Noshir Contractor

“Inviting Your Next Teammate: Algorithms & Acquaintances”

Marlon Twyman, Daniel Newman, Leslie DeChurch, and Noshir Contractor

Working Alone & Together: Understanding the Factors that Affect Work Transitions”

Ashley A. Niler, Jessica R. Mesmer-Magnus, Leslie A. DeChurch, and Noshir S. Contractor

“Development and Validation of a Team Information Sharing Assessment Battery”

Ilya Gokhman; Gabriel K. Plummer; Leslie A. DeChurch; Melissa Vazquez; Suzanne T. Bell; Noshir Contractor