SONIC and ATLAS members: eight graduate students, one undergraduate researcher, and two post-doctoral researchers will be attending the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop in Galveston, TX from January 23rd – January 26th.
Our team is presenting six posters.
Patrick Park: Understanding Elective Task Switching
Ashley Niler: Impact of Social Connectedness, Communication Delay, and Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Network Similarity in Analog Teams
Zach Gibson: Building Extreme Teams: Simulating team Composition Effects in Isolated and Confined Environments
Ilya Gokhman: Leadership Networks in Space Crews
Igor Zakhlebin Influence of Interpersonal Perceptions on Team Structure in Long-Duration Space Exploration Missions
Gabe Plummer: The Costs of Switching Between Team and Multiteam Tasks and The Role of Shared Cognition
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