SONIC welcomes Cristina Casareale

SONIC welcomes Cristina Casareale, a visiting Ph.D. student in Civil and Environmental Protection at the Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy). During her 6 month visit, Cristina will work with SONIC to study the networks among the key players involved in response to the 2012 Costa Concordia maritime disaster.… Read the rest

SONIC welcomes Kitty Cheung

We are delighted to welcome Kitty Cheung as a post-baccalaureate researcher working with SONIC and ATLAS research groups at Northwestern University. Kitty received her undergrad at Northeastern University where she worked with Professor Brooke Foucault-Welles, a SONIC alum. During her six months with us, Kitty will research how startup teams assemble and how this impacts their future success.… Read the rest