IIT Madras to collaborate with Northwestern University for research in data science

From the Economic Times:

Sreeradha Basu Aug 14, 2018, 03.39 PM IST

IIT Madras has tied up with Northwestern University, US, for carrying out broad-based research collaboration in data science, web science, network science and computational social science.

The institutes signed an MoU recently to launch a joint project on the development of features for three web-based software platforms that focus on network-based approaches to facilitate team assembly and processes.… Read the rest

Research Lab Manager Position

The SONIC research group and ATLAS laboratory at Northwestern University invite applications for a research lab manager to support lab directors Noshir Contractor (SONIC) and Leslie DeChurch (ATLAS) on administrative and operational aspects of their research portfolios.

The lab manager will be responsible for supporting a variety of lab operations, including reporting and compliance requirements, communication of findings through digital displays and online materials, and organization and updating of research materials and files.… Read the rest

Noshir Contractor’s paper accepted at ASONAM 2018

Noshir Contractor co-authored a paper titled, “Generative Modeling of Human Behavior and Social Interactions Using Abductive Analysis”, with Yihui Ren, Vanessa Cedeno-Mieles, Zhihao Hu, Xinwei Deng, Abhjijin Adiga, Christopher Barrett, Saliya Ekanayake, Joshua Epstein, Brian Goode, Gizem Korkmaz, Christopher Kuhlman, Dustin Machi, Michael Macy, Madhav Marathe, Naren Ramakrishnan, Sekharipuram Ravi, Parang Saraf and Nathan Self.… Read the rest

Noshir Contractor presents at ICA 2018

Noshir Contractor presents a paper (co-authored with Michael Schultz) titled “Communicating through space and over time” at ICA 2018, in Prague, Czech Republic.


Schultz, M., DeChurch, L., & Contractor, N. (2018, May). Communicating through space and over time. Paper to be presented at the 68th Annual ICA conference, “Voices,” Prague, Czech Republic.… Read the rest