SONIC member Lindsay Young starting in August 2014 as post doctoral scholar at University of Chicago

Starting in August, Lindsay will be joining the Chicago Center for HIV Elimination (CCHE) at the University of Chicago as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Under the leadership of Dr. John Schneider (MD, MPH) CCHE is dedicated to eliminating HIV transmission by utilizing social, sexual and other risk networks to identify 1) [...]

Noshir Contractor will be a co-Principle Investigator on a $8.7-million NIH grant titled “Multilevel Influences on HIV and Substance use in a YMSM Cohort”

This will be the largest comprehensive study of young men who sleep with men ( MSM ) recently launched. The multidisciplinary study will include psychologists, physicians, virologists, developmentalists, network scientists and statisticians from Northwestern University, Oxford University and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Dr. Brian Mustanski—director of the IMPACT LGBT [...]

SONIC was pleased to co-host 6th Annual International workshop on Network Theory

SONIC was pleased to co-host (with the ANN and  NNSI) the 6th Annual International workshop on Network Theory in Los Angeles on April 10-12, 2014. The theme for this year’s workshop was Social Networks in Governmental and Nongovernmental Sectors. The tweets and links to resources discussed can be found here. [...]