The Social Bow Tie

A recent study investigated a new way to identify the strength of ties. Using two different large datasets, the researchers found that for each pair of individuals, a bow tie structure of the network itself is strongly associated with the strength of ties between them that the researchers measure in other ways.… Read the rest

SONIC papers presented at the 1st NASN Conference in DC

Four SONIC papers were presented at the 1st North America Social Networks (NASN) Conference of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (INSNA), held on July 26th, 2017 – July 30th, 2017 in DC, USA.

Title: “Cultivating the Conference Culture: The Role of Diversity in Interdisciplinary Meetings” by Zachary Gibson, Gabriella Anton, Wouter Vermeer, Diego Gómez-Zará, Connor Bain, Leslie Dechurch, Uri Wilensky and Noshir Contractor

Title: “Coevolution of interpersonal perceptions and team structure in long-duration space exploration missions” by Igor Zakhlebin, Alla Vinokhodova, Vadim Gushin, Suzanne Bell, Leslie Dechurch and Noshir Contractor.… Read the rest

How does network structure influence the wisdom of crowds?

Researchers at Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania recently published a paper about “Network dynamics of social influence in the wisdom of crowds” in PNAS. They conducted an online network experiment where participants were asked to estimate numeric quantity (e.g., the caloric content) and tested how the accuracy of group estimates changes in different communication networks.… Read the rest

The ‘time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks

Machine-learning project will analyse 1,000 years of maps and manuscripts from the floating city’s golden age.

History hangs heavy at the Frari, and computer scientist Frédéric Kaplan likes it that way. He has an ambition to capture well over 1,000 years of records in dynamic digital form, encompassing the glorious era of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.… Read the rest

The ‘time machine’ reconstructing ancient Venice’s social networks

Machine-learning project will analyse 1,000 years of maps and manuscripts from the floating city’s golden age.

History hangs heavy at the Frari, and computer scientist Frédéric Kaplan likes it that way. He has an ambition to capture well over 1,000 years of records in dynamic digital form, encompassing the glorious era of the Most Serene Republic of Venice.… Read the rest