Noshir Contractor Gives Keynote Address at 2016 Web Science Summer School in Koblenz, Germany

Noshir Contractor gave a keynote address at the 2016 annual Web Science Summer School held in Koblenz, Germany. Click here for the event page and click here to download slides from the presentation.


The increased access to big data about social phenomena in general, and network data in particular, has been a windfall for social scientists.… Read the rest

Noshir Contactor Meets with Fellow Web Science Trust Lab Directors in Germany

WSTNet Lab Directors got together at the start of the Web Science Conference this week in Hannover, Germany. Highlights of the meeting include the election of Steffen Staab as Chair and Pete Burnap as Vice-Chair, planning for this years’ Web Science Summer School at University of Koblenz (30 June to 6 July – ), and firming up of arrangements for World Wide Web Week – a global event celebrating 10 years of Web Science to be held later this year.

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