Northwestern University is pleased to host  the 5th International Workshop on Network Theory: “Network Science Meets the Science of Teams.” The workshop is organized by the Annenberg Networks Network (ANN) at the University of Southern California, the Science of Networks in Communities (SONIC) research group at Northwestern University, the Northwestern Institute for Complexity (NICO) at Northwestern University, and the Developing Effective Leaders, Teams and Alliances (DELTA) lab at the Georgia Institute of Technology, with funding from Northwestern University and a National Science Foundation Research Coordination Network award to Northwestern University and the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Although teams have been an integral part of how society has organized for centuries, the digital revolution is dramatically changing the nature of how teams assemble and interact. Indeed, teams are considered critical in addressing the grandest societal challenges of our day. There is an increasing awareness that network science has the potential for offering important theoretical and methodological insights in understanding and enabling 21st century team performance. This workshop seeks to catalyze a dialog among a community of thought leaders on teams and multi team systems, network theory, and computational science.


Click here for more information about the workshop.