Statistical Power to Detect Social Network Effects in Small Groups
One handy method for modeling social network contagion effects (i.e., using peer attributes to predict the focal actors’ attributes) is the spatial lag or spatial autocorrelation model. Wang, Neuman, and Newman (2014) demonstrated that in order to attain adequate statistical power to detect such social network effects, networks researchers will often need data from a modest-sized network of 40 or more persons. This poses a problem when one’s theoretical focus is on social contagion/network effects in small groups and teams, for which the membership is often much smaller than N = 40. Using simulation methods, I seek to extend the work of Wang et al. (2014) to investigate how many groups/teams are needed in order to reliably detect social network contagion in small group
About Dr. Newman
Daniel A. Newman, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology and the School of Labor & Employment Relations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research deals with race and gender diversity in HR management (i.e., adverse impact, hiring/minority recruiting), emotional intelligence (what it is and why it relates to job performance), narcissism (why it relates to leadership, counterproductive work behavior, and gender), and research methods (missing data, multilevel approaches, Bayesian meta-analysis). He has been elected Chair of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management, and his work has been recognized with the Academy of Management HR Division’s Scholarly Achievement Award, SIOP’s William A. Owens Scholarly Achievement Award, and the Research Methods Division’s McDonald Award for Advancement of Organizational Research Methodology, Sage Best Paper Award, Best Reviewer of the Year Award, and Early Career Award. He received the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award from the School of Labor & Employment Relations in 2013.